Scorpion's Bane

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Scorpion's Bane ist ein Shadowrun-Roman von Mel Odom. Er spielt in Afrika und dem Arabischen Raum und dreht sich um die Suche einer Schamanin nach ihrem Bruder sowie den Preis, den Skorpion als Schutzgeist von seinen Anhängern fordert.

Er wurde von Catalyst Games Lab am 23. Februar 2023 in englischer Originalsprache als eBook im ePub- und Mobi-Format auf DriveThru Fiction veröffentlicht, und wird ob seines Umfangs vermutlich später auch in gedruckter Form erscheinen.


  • Art.-Nr.:
  • Titel: Scorpion's Bane
  • Typ: Roman
  • Sprache: englisch
  • Verlag: Catalyst Games Lab
  • Format: eBook
  • Dateiformat: ePub und Mobi
  • Dateigrösse: 6.01 MB
  • Seitenzahl: 300 Seiten
  • Erschienen: 23. Februar 2023
  • Preis: 6,99 $
  • ISBN:

Autoren, Illustratoren und Mitarbeiter:


On the trail of her missing brother, shaman Rashida bint Tariq bin Feroze al-Nazari travels to South Africa to interrogate a corp executive who may have actually seen Qasim. But the meeting turns into a trap she barely escapes, and Rashida realizes she and her shadowrunning team have stumbled onto something much deeper than a rash of missing children. Their search for answers will take them from the glittering neon towers of Dubai to the harsh desert wilderness of the Arabian Caliphate. Rashida and her team scour every clue they find, whether it is in the deep African jungle, the artificial world of the Matrix, or the infinite astral plane, to uncover who’s masterminding this plot… and stop them before it can be put into action.
And all the while, Rashida must contend with Scorpion, the insect spirit who came to her when she cried out for revenge against those who had killed her father and stolen her brother, and now lives within her in an uneasy alliance. Vicious, cunning, and deadly, Scorpion’s power always comes with a price… and if Rashida isn’t careful, she may end up paying it before she has the chance to save her brother… and punish the ones who took him.
Note: This novel purchase contains two files: an ebook file compatible with most ereaders, and a .mobi file for use with the Kindle


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... More to Come ...

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