Antipodes: The Lifestealer Saga Volume 2 (Holostreets)

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Antipodes: The Lifestealer Saga Volume 2 ist ein Abenteuer die Sechste Edition von Shadowrun von J. Keith Henry. Es ist der zweite Teil seiner "Lifestealer Saga", einer Kampagne, die im "Los Coronados"-Setting, also dem Post-Twins-San Diego und -Tijuana gestartet und eng mit der aktuellen Dis-Storyline von Catalyst Games Lab verbunden ist.

Es wurde am 13. März 2024 im "Holostreets"-Bereich auf DriveThru RPG in englischer Originalsprache und ausschließlich als eBook im Pdf-Format mit Wasserzeichen veröffentlicht.


  • Art.-Nr.: N/A
  • Titel: Antipodes: The Lifestealer Saga Volume 1
  • Typ: Abenteuer (zweiter Teil einer Kampagne)
  • Edition: 6. Edition
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Verlag: Penumbro Games / Catalyst Games Lab (Holostreets)
  • Format: nur eBook
  • Dateiformat: Pdf mit Wasserzeichen
  • Dateigröße: N/A bzw. ??? MB
  • Seitenzahl: 72 Seiten
  • Erschienen: 13.03.2024
  • Preis: 10,00 $
  • ISBN-13: N/A

Autoren, Illustratoren & Mitarbeiter:

... More to Come ...


What started as a series of heavily Awakened encounters in Los Coronados has evolved. The fixer known as Señor Fantasma has remained active during what is rapidly turning out to be a banner year for business.

The Lifestealer Saga is inspired by the major story arc from Catalyst Game Labs, the Dis. In Volume 1, the shadows are introduced to the Curator, a Disian with an agenda, one that is leading it down a very dangerous path not only for itself but for everyone and perhaps everything around it.

Antipodes continues the events the Curator, Lupe Harakhty, has set into motion as it continues it's pursuit of personal power. Señor Fantasma continues to follow this Disian in hopes of getting ahead of it at some point and putting an end to the unique threat it now represents. He is hiring skilled runners, those that are ready to make the leap to being known as Prime.

When a local laborer is killed in an arcanoarchaelogical excavation near Cusco, a new lead turns up that puts the Horizon fixer on the trail again. He needs you, your skills and experience, to be his agents. Cusco is an old city with many mysteries that do not always lend themselves well to the Sixth World, but a few surprises are in store.

With the gamemasters permission – of course.

Antipodes is a set of ten adventures that run concurrent with many other events taking place in the Sixth World at the time of the Dis agenda. These events do not overlap with canon material, but seek to enhanced the thrills and challenges these uniquely sinister beings have brought to the world of Shadowrun.


... More to Come ...

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