Aztlan (Quellenbuch)
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Aztlan ist ein Quellenbuch für Shadowrun, das die Nation Aztlan beschreibt - das ehemalige Mexiko, das sich unter der Kontrolle Aztechnologys über Mittelamerika und einen kleinen Teil Südamerikas ausgedehnt hat.
Das Quellenbuch wurde 1995 von der FASA Corporation in englischer Sprache veröffentlicht, und nie ins Deutsche übersetzt.
Eine französische Übersetzung ist im in der "Shadowrun Vintage"-Reihe bei Black Book Editions erschienenen "Aztlan + Denver" enthalten.
- Art.-Nr.: FAS7213
- Titel: Aztlan
- Edition: 2. Edition
- Verlag: FASA
- eBook-Veröffentlichung: Catalyst Games Lab
- Art: Softcover / eBook
- Sprache: englisch
- Seitenzahl: 184 Seiten
- Erschienen: 1995
- Preis:
15,00 $13,99 $(print) /8,00$7,20 $ (eBook) - ISBN10: 1-55560-257-6
Autoren, Illustratoren & Mitarbeiter:[Bearbeiten]
- Autor: Nigel Findley
- Cover Artwork: Doug Andersen
Secret Leaders
Corporate Governments
Tight Borders
Constant Wars
Strange Magics
Only one place has it all in 2056--Aztlan, the world's only corporate nation.
Built on the drug trade, consolidated country by country through ruthless business deals, run by a powerful and mysterious corporation and sustained by a national faith in the Aztec gods, Aztlan can be a runner's greatest dream or his most chilling nightmare. For at the heart of war-torn Aztlan lies Aztechnology, a potential mother lode of paydata and newtech, and an almost certain source of death. Listen carefully to the rumors and judge for yourself which are true or false-—Aztlan guards its secrets well, and Aztechnology will kill to keep it that way.
The Aztlan sourcebook describes the people, history, economy and current affairs of the nation of Aztlan, including details on Aztechnology Corporation, the unusual magic practiced by Aztlaner citizens, and the Yucatán conflict. This book also describes many aspects of life in Tenochtitlán (formerly Mexico City), and provides new rules for Aztlaner magic and Aztechnology corporate personnel. For use with Shadowrun, Second Edition.
Inside the Big A[Bearbeiten]
The Civil War[Bearbeiten]
- The Road Inland
- The Sweep of History
- Going Astray
- Surprise Meeting
- Interview with the Serpent
- Return
- Introductory Brief: Operation Libertad
- Speres of Influence
- Zone Ghost
- Zone Lagos
- Zone Cathedral
- Speres of Influence
- Our Glorious Heritage
- The Colonial Invasion
- The Revolution
- Empire and Republic
- The Mexican-American War
- Juárez and Maximilian
- Díaz, Zapata, and Villa
- The New Revolution
- The Century Turns
- Chaos and Renaissance
- Establishing the Direct-Democrathy Model
- The Azatlan Party
- National Growth
- Era of Expansion
- Ares Macrotechnologies
- Tactical Brief: Ensenada and Veracruz
- Overview
- Sending the Message
- After Action Evaluation
- The Veracruz Settlement
- Our Glorious Heritage
- History
- Cartels
- ORO and Technopiracy
- Formation of Aztechnology
- Corporate Conflict
- Aztechnology and the Aztlan Government
- Techniques of Control
- Corporate Structure
- Major Divisions
- Major Wholly Owned Subsidaries
- Ownership
- Management Structure
- Business Practices
- Key Industry Segments
- Expansion/Acquisition and Competitive Practices
- Intercorporate Relationships
- Recruiting
- Aztechnology Corporate Security
- Magical Security
- Matrix Security
- Physical Security
- Corporate and National Military
- Equipment
- Major Bases
- Organization
- Military Intelligence
- Warriors
- History
Religion and Magic[Bearbeiten]
- Deities
- Temples
- The Priesthood
- The Emperor
- Rank-and-File Clergy
- Forms of Worship
- Petitioning the Deities
- Sacrifices
- Belief in Demons
- Aztlan and the Catholic Church
- Aztlan Magic
- Aztlan Totems
- Blood Magic
- Foveae
Fast Facts[Bearbeiten]
- Borders
- The Panama Canal
- From One Ocean to Another
- Elevators in the Water
- History of the Canal
- Population and Demographics
- Urban/Rural Population Breakdown
- Cultural Groups
- Non-(Meta)Human Sentients
- Climate
- Temperature
- Precipitation
- Topography
- Brief
- Introduction
- Organization
- Conventional Channels
- Immigration Datawork
- Travel by Air
- Travel by Land
- Travel by Sea
- Analysis
- Extraordinary Channels
- Air Insertion
- Cross-Country Insertion
- Sea Insertion
- Insertion Via the Yucatán
- Analysis and Recommandation
Living in Aztlan[Bearbeiten]
- Life on the Streets
- Corporators
- Burakumin
- Peasants
- Shadowrunners
- Economy
- Currency
- Imports and Exports
- The Stock Market
- Price Differentials
- Laws, Crime and Punishment
- Weapons
- Chips and Other Brain-Benders
- Cyberware
- Cyberdecks
- Government and Politics
- Government Structure
- Elections
- National Military
- Language
- Mesoamerind Languages and Groups
- Life on the Streets
- Vital Statistics
- Government
- Precincts
- Getting around Tenochtitlán
- By Car
- By Bus
- By Monorail
- By Short-Hop (Mariposa)
- Tenochtitlán Survival Guide
- Street Scene
- Fashion
- Architecture
- Communications
- Emergency Services
- Social Services
- Entertainment
- Professional Sports
- Organized Crime
- Places of Interest
- Hotels
- Restaurants and Bars
- Nightclubs
- Aztechnology Pyramid (Corporate Headquarters)
- Temples
- Miscellaneous Locations
Game Information[Bearbeiten]
- Aztlaner Magic
- Iguana
- Jaguar
- Plumed Serpent
- Puma
- Blood Magic
- Blood Spirits
- Temples and Background Count
- Aztechnology Corporate Security Personnel
- Border Agent
- Border Agent Combat Shaman
- Standard Security Guard
- Leopard Guard
- Jaguar Guard
- MedíCarro
- Response Time
- New Equipment
- Macauitl (Ceremonial Sword)
- Relámpago 120mm Railgun
- Halcón Ground-Attack Aircraft
- Luftschiffbau Zeppelin LZ-2051-C
- Lobo Medium Scout LAV
- Tiburón Patrol Boat
- Liebre Surveillance/Pursuit RPV
- Effects of Life in Tenochtitlán
- Decreased Tolerance
- Increased Drain
- Air Pollution
- Acid Rain
- Aztlaner Magic
- Preview (Pdf, englisch)- Front- und Back-Cover sowie Farbseiten (und über den Index das Inhaltsverzeichnis).