Auditions (A Mosaic Run Collection)

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Auditions mit dem Titelzusatz "A Mosaic Run Collection" ist ein Sammelband bzw. eine Compilation mit vier Shadowrun-eNovels von Jennifer Brozek.

Er wurde am 15. Februar 2024 von Catalyst Games Lab in englischer Originalsprachee als eBook im ePub-Format veröffentlicht.


  • Art.-Nr.: N/A
  • Titel: Auditions (A Mosaic Run Collection)
  • Typ: eNovel-Sammlung
  • Edition: ???
  • Sprache: englisch
  • Verlag: Catalyst Games Lab
  • Format: nur eBook
  • Dateiformat: ePub
  • Dateigröße: 1.9 MB
  • Seitenzahl: 300 Seiten
  • Erschienen: 15.02. 2024
  • Preis: 4,99 $
  • ISBN-13: N/A

Autoren, Illustratoren und Mitarbeiter:

Anmerkungen: Das eBook-Cover ist eine Collage aus den eBook-Covers der vier einzelnen eNovellas.


Fixer BlotterBabe must have exactly the right actors for a production that requires very specialized talent. The actors must not only be skilled, they need to have the right attitude and an ability to adapt to extraordinary circumstances.

A Kiss to Die For: Kintsugi and Sartorial choose love over duty, but their respective families will do everything in their considerable power to stop them from being together.

See How She Runs: Terrapin witnesses a murder and is handed a package destined for some important and lethal people. Now she is running for her life.

Unrepairable: Landon and Liana love vexing megacorps for fun and profit with their Matrix show. Unfortunately, the megacorps always play dirty, and will do whatever’s required to shut them down for good.

The Kilimanjaro Run: Charlotte, Neema, and Elijah embark on an unexpected adventure that turns into a nightmare when they discover nothing is what it seems. They are left with no choice at all when choosing between the abhorrent and the right thing to do.

FOR THE MOST DANGEROUS RUN OF ALL… Having auditioned thousands, BlotterBabe is out of time. It’s come down to these few teenagers. Either they will save the day or lose it all…

"Cons, lies, double-crosses, flat-out thievery—all the fun stuff. Auditions reads like that great first act of a heist movie. Everyone’s showing off their particular set of skills while Brozek teases us with threads of what’s to come." —NYT bestseller Peter Clines, author of The Broken Room “Brozek spins a clever introduction into the world of Shadowrun in Auditions. It’s perfect for newcomers, but also showcases shadows that have never been explored yet feel perfectly familiar.” —Crystal Frasier, author of Pathfinder: Spiral of Bones

Anmerkungen: Da eBooks keinen Rückseitentext im eigentlichen Sinne haben, ist dies die Produktbeschreibung bei DriveThru Fiction.

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