@Shadowland 2054

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@shadowland2054 ist ein offizieller Twitteraccount, der Ingame-Nachrichten aus den 2050er Jahren verbreitet. Er wurde im Dezember 2012 (Realzeit) von Catalyst Games Lab für die Bewerbung des in Entwicklung befindlichen, via Kickstarter finanzierten Computerspiels Shadowrun Returns eingerichtet.


Datum Uhrzeit Text Talker Link
2054-05-27 7:48 AM #Odd Coven: Murray goes on astral quest, Felix & Oscar cover for him while his occult shop is overrun when trid star Suki RedFlower stops by Link
2054-05-24 8:57 PM It’s Friday, hopefully there’s enough peace tonight so I can finish planning a run. >Argent Link
2054-05-24 6:22 AM #OddCoven: Oscar goes on blind date, almost gets extracted by shadowrunners. But he’s not the magician they’re looking for. >VacuumTubeBaby Link
2054-05-20 6:50 AM #OddCoven Felix borrowed Oscar’s herbal fetishes to impress a woman by cooking dinner. Waiting for concoction 2 summon some spirit from oven Link
2054-05-18 1:50 PM It’s a miserable day to work. I’m staying home with soy-processed meals and cinnamon-sugar flavor packets. >NuYen Nick Link
2054-05-16 7:44 AM #OddCoven: ZeusWerks hires new guy who’s into Voodoo. Felix & Oscar find little straw men that look familiar, get scared. >VacuumTubeBaby Link
2054-05-14 10:28 PM I’m not really a cat person, but now there’s two occupying my flat. I feel like I should buy a scratching post for them. >Wolf Link
2054-05-13 6:21 AM #BioTechnics, Pumping you up! Link
2054-05-12 10:47 AM Raining today in #Seattle (what’s new). #DevilRats have gotten into the basement. I was so hoping to conserve ammo. >NightShade' Link
2054-05-10 12:20 PM Wondering what's on the trid this year? Shadowland >VacuumTubeBaby
(via Cpt. Chaos)

