Under Pressure

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Under Pressure ist eine Shadowrun-eNovella von Scott Schletz.

Sie wurde am 31. Mai 2021 (RJ) von Catalyst Games Lab in englischer Originalsprache und ausschließlich als eBook veröffentlicht.


  • Art.-Nr.: CAT26007NV
  • Titel: Under Pressure
  • Typ: eNovella
  • Edition: ?
  • Sprache: englisch
  • Verlag: Catalyst Games Lab
  • Format: nur eBook
  • Dateiformat: Zip-Datei (enthält ePub- und Mobi-Version)
  • Dateigröße: 1.85 MB (DriveThru Fiction) / 1481 KB (Amazon)
  • Seitenzahl: 120 Seiten
  • Erschienen: 30. Mai 2021
  • Preis: 2,99 $ (DriveThru Fiction) / 2,69 € (Amazon)
  • ISBN:
  • ASIN: B0968ZW4P8

Autoren, Illustratoren & Mitarbeiter:[Bearbeiten]


DriveThru Fiction:[Bearbeiten]

It should have been an easy job for Tycho and his team: Travel to the UCAS state of Montana and investigate what happened to the previous shadowrunning team that had gone up there to check out…something.

But of course, things are never easy in the shadows, and soon Tycho and his fellow runners are up to their eyeballs in double-crosses and mysterious goings-on—including the seeming complete disappearance of the previous shadowrunning team.

Their search leads them to the wilds near Yellowstone, where the answers they seek lie deep within the earth…and uncover a secret that, if revealed, could result in the complete destruction of the entire Sixth World

Note: This purchase contains two files: an ebook file compatible with most ereaders, and a .mobi file for use with the Kindle.



It should have been an easy job for Tycho and his team: Travel to the Sioux Nation, in the region that was once the state of Montana, and investigate what happened to the previous shadowrunning team that had gone up there to check out…something.

But of course, things are never easy in the shadows, and soon Tycho and his fellow runners are up to their eyeballs in double-crosses and mysterious goings-on—including the seeming complete disappearance of the previous shadowrunning team.

Their search leads them to the wilds near Yellowstone, where the answers they seek lie deep within the earth…and uncover a secret that, if revealed, could result in the complete destruction of the entire Sixth World



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