Shadowrun: Missions - Season Seven

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Missions Logo Season Six (und Seven)
(identisch dem Missions Logo Season Five)

Shadowrun: Missions - Season Seven ist eine Kampagne für die fünfte Edition von Shadowrun, die von Catalyst Games Lab in Form von einzelnen Abenteuern als Pdfs veröffentlicht wird. Sie knüpft unmittelbar und nahtlos an die letzten Missions-Reihe - "Shadowrun: Missions - Season Six" an, und die ersten vier Missions der "Season Seven" sind - wie die der "Season Six" und ihres direkten Vorgängers "Shadowrun: Missions - Season Five" in Chicago angesiedelt, und dreht sich ebenso wie ihre beiden direkten Vorgänger um die Agenda von UCAS-Regierung und Konzernen, Chicago zurückzuerobern, und aus dem ehemaligen Bug City wieder einen ganz normale, kanado-amerikanische Großstadt zu machen. Nach Mission 07-04 erfolgt dann ein Ortswechsel mitten in der Season, was für die regulären "Missions"-Reihen ein Novum ist. "Season Seven" soll aber dennoch - wie "Season Five" und "Season Six" - genau sechs Missions umfassen. - Shadowrun Missions Coordinator, der die Nachfolge des zurückgetretenen Steven "Bull" Ratkovich angetreten hat, ist wieder Ray Rigel.

Shadowrun Mission: 07-01

  • Art.-Nr: SRM 07-01 (E-CAT27M0701)
  • Titel: The Deck Job
  • Sprache: englisch
  • Verlag: Catalyst Game Labs
  • Format: nur eBook
  • Dateiformat: Pdf mit Wasserzeichen
  • Dateigröße: 1.13 MB
  • Seitenzahl: 23 Seiten
  • Erschinen: 16.11.2016
  • Preis: 5,95 $

Autoren, Illustratoren & Mitarbeiter:

  • Autor: Beth Miller
  • Illustrationen: Dave Dotson
  • Missions Logo: Jeff Laubenstein, Matt Herdt
  • Shadowrun Missions Developer: Ray Rigel
  • Shadowrun Developer: Jason M. Hardy
  • Layout & Design: Matt Heerdt
  • Proofing: R. L. King
  • Art Director: Brent Evans


What’s the Catch?

The only shadowrunners who don’t ask the above question are ones who have been dead so long that no one remembers their name. Which, for most runners, means two months. The point being, any runner knows that a job that can be described in a simple, straightforward sentence at the beginning of the day is going to become a tumbled, tangled mess by the end of the day, the simple sentence exploding into a story that you’ll tell over a few drinks some night—unless the story got messy enough that you joined those forgotten shadowrunners in some shallow grave.

The simple sentence at the beginning of this job is this: “Retrieve a stolen cyberdeck prototype.” Sounds easy enough, but add “in Chicago’s Containment Zone” to the end of the sentence, and already the complications have begun to mount. And they’ll continue — by the time the runners are done, they’ll see double-crosses, deceits, lies, and betrayals speeding past them, and they’ll have to do their best to figure out what’s really going on before they get overwhelmed and overran.

Kicking off the newest season of Shadowrun: Missions, The Deck Job puts players in a nest of twists and turns while launching a new, Chicago-based plotline. The Mission is for use with Shadowrun, Fifth Edition, and the story elements could be part of a Shadowrun: Anarchy game with mechanical adjustment to character stats.


Shadowrun Mission: 07-02

  • Art.-Nr: SRM 07-02 (E-CAT???)
  • Titel: Collective Action
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Verlag: Catalyst Game Labs
  • Format: Nur eBook
  • Dateiformat: Pdf mit Wasserzeichen
  • Dateigröße: 2.54 MB
  • Seitenzahl: 37 Seiten
  • Erschienen: 01.12.2016
  • Preis: 5,95 $ 4,17 $

Autoren, Illustratoren & Mitarbeiter:

  • Autor: Ron Rummell
  • Illustrationen: Colin Stevenson
  • Missionslogo: Jeff Laubenstein, Matt Heerdt
  • Shadowrun Missions Developer: Ray Riegel
  • Shadowrun Line Developer: Jason M. Hardy
  • Layout & Design: Matt Heerdt
  • Proofing: R.L. King
  • Art Direction: Brent Evans


All Chicago

The quintessential Chicago shadowrun is a full-to-bursting package with a variety of ingredients and flavors. And it doesn't even need to include bug spirits. If you want the true Chicago experience, it's here waiting for you. What ingredients does it contain? How about a rush job on a tight deadline, occasionally hostile crowds of locals, panicky security, explosions, stealth, open firefights in the streets, vicious traps, burning buildings, a crazed hermit, and a pack of drug-addicted dogs.

Those are all ingredients in the stew that is this run, and Mr. Johnson is paying good money for you to wolf it down as fast as you can. Get moving!

Collective Action is the latest entry in season 7 of Shadowrun Missions and is for use with Shadowrun, Fifth Edition. The storyline could also be used in Shadowrun: Anarchy, and NPCs could be quickly converted for use with those rules.


Shadowrun Mission: 07-03

  • Art.-Nr: SRM 07-03 (E-CAT27M0703)
  • Titel: Special Investigation Unit
  • Sprache: englisch
  • Verlag: Catalyst Games Lab
  • Format: nur eBook
  • Dateiformat: Pdf
  • Dateigröße: 1.76 MB
  • Seitenzahl: 48 Seiten
  • Erschienen: 20.01.2017
  • Preis: 5,95 $

Autoren, Illustratoren & Mitarbeiter:

  • Writing: Tony Gambino
  • Art: Colby Stevenson
  • Missions Logo: Jeff Laubenstein, Matt Heerdt
  • Shadowrun Missions Developer: Ray Rigel
  • Shadowrun Developer: Jason M. Hardy
  • Layout & Design: Matt Heerdt
  • Proofing: R.L.King
  • Art Director: Brent Evans


On the Case!

Collecting evidence. Visiting medical examiners. Questioning suspects. The cops may be a pain in shadowrunners' hoops, but what kid didn't play cops and robbers when they were growing up? Sometimes playing on the cops side, even? Now they have a chance to play for real. There's been a death in the Chicago/Milwaukee sprawl—well, several, but one that got the attention of Detective Nick Ryder. It's the sort of case he'd have trouble looking into alone, so he's turned to the shadows. Runners will have the chance to crack the case—right down to the difficult work of bringing the perp to justice.

Special Investigation Unit is the latest installment of the Shadowrun: Missions adventures set in Chicago. Whether played as a standalone mission or the third job in the current season, it offers runners the challenge to see if their skills are on par with the people who are always chasing them.

SRM 07-03: Special Investigation Unit is for use with Shadowrun, Fifth Edition, though plot elements can be used with Shadowrun: Anarchy with some adaptation of character statistics.


Shadowrun Mission: 07-04

  • Art.-Nr: SRM 07-04 (E-CAT27M0704)
  • Titel: Do No Harm
  • Sprache: englisch
  • Verlag: Catalyst Games Lab
  • Format: nur eBook
  • Dateiformat: Pdf mit Wasserzeichen
  • Dateigröße:
  • Seitenzahl:
  • Erschienen: 24.02.2017
  • Preis: 5,95 $

Autoren, Illustratoren, Mitarbeiter:

  • Autor: John "The Butcher" Apple
  • Illustrationen: Colin Stevenson
  • Missionslogo: Jeff Laubenstein, Matt Heerdt
  • Shadowrun Missions Developer: Ray Rigel
  • Shadowrun Developer: Jason M. Hardy
  • Layout & Design: Matt Heerdt
  • Proofing: R.L. King
  • Art Director: Brent Evans


The Finesse Game

Every runner knows there are times when you need to throw grenades at gasoline trucks, and other times when more discretion and subtlety is called for. True pros distinguish themselves with precise operations that are noticed by no one besides their target—but those targets see enough to push them over the edge of sanity.

In this Mission, runners get an assignment that is easy to describe but difficult to execute. The job? Ruin a life. The method? That’s where the runners come in. They’ll have to exercise all their creativity and sneakiness to plan and pull off this job—unless they want the police and some nasty corporate security putting their work to an early end. Do runners have the smarts, stealth, and deviousness to pull this off? As always, the answer is another question: How badly do they want to get paid?

Do No Harm is the latest Shadowrun Mission set in Chicago, bringing a new twist and degree of freedom to runners who take it on. The Mission is for use with Shadowrun, Fifth Edition, and plot elements could also be used with Shadowrun: Anarchy.


Shadowrun Mission: 07-05

  • Art.-Nr: SRM 07-05 (E-CAT???)
  • Titel: A Little Wetwork


Shadowrun Mission: 07-06

  • Art.-Nr: SRM 07-06 (E-CAT???)
  • Titel: Windy City Chaos


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