Schockwellenreiter auf Jackpoint (SWR)

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„Schockwellenreiter auf Jackpoint“ ist der Name eines Threads, der am 4. 3. 2075 um 12:34 von Tolstoi Schockwellenreiter-Forum erstellt wurde, und in dem er einen englischsprachigen Originalpost aus dem Jackpoint-Netzwerk in voller Länge zitierte, der die Reiter erwähnt.


Shadowtalk Pfeil.png Gerade gesehen: Jackpoint erwähnt #SWR.

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If you think the new worldwide grid is the safe place that Danielle de la Mar has advertised and promised, you’ve either been brainwashed by corporate propaganda or are too blind to see the bigger picture. When Matrix 2.0 was introduced just after Crash 2.0, with wireless protocols still in development, its primary focus was to make the new Matrix fail-proof to prevent another global disaster and its economic repercussions. Although the new design took care of that efficiently, the open, interconnected architecture of those wireless networks and exploits in the software and firewalls often proved to be too vulnerable, too easy to hijack for net jockeys or other Matrix hacktivists. And that was before technomancer hysteria and the emergence of synthetic intelligences gave Matrix security obsessives whole new reams of things to worry about.

Still, most information was free and the Matrix accessible to everyone, all over the world, in high resolution. The global village felt real. But that’s not the case anymore. The corps took care of that in the false pretense of making the Matrix a safer place, where supposedly you don’t have to worry about intrusion and commlink stalking, virtual hostage taking and profile exploitation. The CCMA and the Grid Overwatch Division now police all systems, and they want to give you a warm and fuzzy feeling, telling you they can protect you from the wild and wanton elements that formerly rode around the Matrix at will. They want you to feel free to share your personal data—because that’s the only way they can datamine you, and the consumer info they can collect now is as valuable as actual currency.

You don’t want to share your profile because of privacy? Then you must have something to hide, do something illegal. That is the vibe the corps are trying to spread. It is the “If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear” meme all over again.

But it isn’t just that. It is not just about the information that you are giving to them, but also what they are letting you access, and how much you’re worth to the corporations as consumer.

If you now living in a shithole with little money to spend, “public” is the only grid you will have access to (legally). It is enough opium for the masses to get your virtual fix, be mobile and have access to the WWG (like back in the day when the last W was a G), but it’s also a constant reminder that there are rifts within our societal food chain—even in the Matrix—and those rifts are growing.

Since the announcement of Matrix 2.0+ (or minus, if you just have Public), there has been public outcry and criticism about the installation of the new Matrix protocols, especially from Europe’s politically active left-wingers. Moderate online groups, academic circles, independent news networks and policlubs like Mother Earth (especially the cyberpagan Matrikas) and the techno-liberal Schockwellenreiter (Shockwave Riders, successor of the pre-Crash Chaos Computer Club, who were driven into the underground when the CCMA took over the networks in the 30s) have all issued wake-up calls to European citizens, imploring them to make use of their democratic right to rally against the new changes. They’re passionate, but they’re most likely tilting at windmills. Not only does the CCMA have the full support of all the megas in the Corporate Court, but the NEEC and its Council of Ministers, including both its member state governments and the fifteen biggest Eurocorps, have been fully supporting de la Mar’s plans in the recent months, and the lobbying groups have been pushing for full support of the mew protocols as well.

It has also been rumored in Brussels that the NEEC is planning on establishing a unified continental grid (instead of national grids) as part of their “Coalescence Agenda” (the pan-European CEERS-ID in the ’60s was just a first step in this direction), to be run as joint venture by S-K and NeoNET. If that proves to be correct (it hasn’t been announced officially), I expect some right-wing anti-European and nationalist movements to jump on the political bandwagon as well.


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Shadowtalk Pfeil.png Tolstoi

Shadowtalk Pfeil.png Interessanter Kommentar von Macha zu Sunshines Post:

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Aren't you Horizon, Sunshine? Because nobody was pushing that meme harder than your perfect corporate family. Persona and Facespace to lay bare everyone's life, on-demand program and knowsoft services to control what everyone is running and have a backdoor into the minds of everyone, and don't forget the feelgood vibes, the CalHot DreamSim signals overlaying every Matrix service Horizon ever supported. Sharing all personal data and sucking all that data up and processing it was Horizon's claim to power, what with the sousveillance craze in the early 70s and all these 'bare yourselves, share everything' ads. You are a free citizen, there is nothing to hide, if people hide something they're evil, like the Princes were (unlike you, assisting the murder of anyone in Zincan's way, I suppose). Your Dawkins people could use this information, just as GOD uses it now. Odds are your corp advised them how to do that. I can only speculate why you rip de la Mar like you do; maybe it's because Horizon never got their foot down in Europe because of the Eurocorps and Krupp? Anyway, while most of what you say is true, this post makes me suspicious of your motives.

That said, these changes are bad. Real bad. It's not a return of the old grid, it's worse, because the old grid was as fractured as the new grid was. This grid combines the new grid's omnipresence and easy access to you and your brain with the old grid's rather draconian security measures. While securing yourself has been a bitch in the new grid, getting into others' was quite easy. That's gone now and odds are it won't come back. From what I gather, GOD now has permanent security access to every commlink on the grid - that's right, if you are connected to the grid, then GOD is monitoring what you do right now, like reading Jackpoint and this post for instance. You're being policed all the time by automated systems. I heard rumors of a killswitch, too, that GOD operatives can use to fry your 'link (and dump you) when you get tagged at a certain security level, but so far not encountered that. What's further, the hardware hacks necessary to even hack (deck, as they say now, heh) is seriously unstable, but I hope that'll be fixable eventually.

What's left is: we'll have to adapt. Forget the protests, the activism, the New Neo-Anarchism. It never got anything done. It won't start now. New hackers - deckers - have to be smart. Gone are the days of scrip kid hacks playing with the big boys just because they invested some dozen grand in chips and pulses. If you don't understand the Matrix, the code, you're going to be dead. Right now, hacking is improvising and adapting, and a shitload of care and vigilance. Lots of uppity commlink kids have been busted or fried the past months. Times really have changed.

The public grid, on a side note, still is GOD controlled and policed. They just pay less attention there. I guess this is where the new decker/hacker havens will bloom.

Also, Sunshine, it was WTG, worldwide telecom grid. WTG - RTGs (regional telecom grids) - LTGs (local telecom grids) - PTGs (private telecom grids, read: corp grids, which in some cases were global). WWG works, too, though, should that be the name Horizon decides to brand the new grid with.
Shadowtalk Pfeil.png Tolstoi

Shadowtalk Pfeil.png Sa'Sioté. Too bad he doesn't reply.
Shadowtalk Pfeil.png Macha Imar raen. Imar semeraerth. Cirollar Draesis ti'Morel. Miriat tela li? Thiesat tekio tore li?