Sail Away, Sweet Sister

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Sail Away, Sweet Sister ist ein eBook aus der Enhanced Fiction-Reihe für die Fünfte Edition von Shadowrun: Eine Kurzgeschichte und die spielrelevanten Informationen, um daraus ein Shadowrun-Abenteuer zu machen, namentlich die vom Spielleiter hierfür benötigten Spielwerte und Beschreibungen für NPCs, neue Waffen, Fahrzeuge und Ausrüstung. Es knüpft an die Enhanced Fiction-Veröffentlichung "Another Rainy Night" an und erschien am 22. März 2014 (Realzeit).


  • Art.-Nr.: CAT26S041
  • Typ: Enhanced Fiction
  • Edition: 5. Edition
  • Titel: Sail Away, Sweet Sister
  • Sprache: englisch
  • Verlag: Catalyst Games Lab
  • Format: eBook (ePub, Pdf, MOBI)
  • Seitenzahl: ? Seiten
  • Dateigrösse: 3.44 MB
  • Erschienen: 22.04.14
  • Preis: 1,99 $

Autoren, Illustratoren & Mitarbeiter:


Monsters of the Shadows

Thomas McCallister's area of expertise—the virus that turns metahumans into flesh-eating monsters—has taken him into some dark corners of the Sixth World. When he came face to face with the serial murderer known as the Mealtime Killer, he had hoped that a particularly dark chapter of his life had come to a close. But when night falls in the sprawls of the world, blood is still being shed, and people are still dying. Another killer is still out there, one that needs to be found and stopped, but the challenge McAllister is about to face is one he never could have anticipated. His resolve will be tested in ways he never anticipated in his darkest nightmares.

Sail Away, Sweet Sister builds on the events of Another Rainy Night, taking another dark turn down the streets of the Sixth World to face the monsters that lurk there. Along with a full short story, it contains game statistics for the major characters in the work, as well as spells, gear, and other game information that allows you can drop the people from this story right into your Shadowrun game (stats are included in the PDF version and will be made available as a free PDF that ePub/Kindle buyers can download).

Sail Away, Sweet Sister is dual-statted, meaning it can be used with Shadowrun, Fifth Edition or Shadowrun, Twentieth Anniversary Edition.




„Sail Away, Sweet Sister“ wurde - zusammen mit „The Vladivostok Gauntlet“, „Another Rainy Night“, „Nothing Personal“ und „The Seattle Gambit“ - auch im Sammelband „Old School (Sprawl Stories, Volume Two)“ als eBook und gedruckt als Paperback veröffentlicht.


