Shadowrun Missions: Jumping Ship (Prime Mission)

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Shadowrun Missions: Jumping the Ship ist eine der sogenannten "Prime Missions" für die fünfte Edition von Shadowrun. Sie richtet sich insbesondere an Missions-Spieler, die mit ihren Charakteren soviel an Karma, Ausrüstung und Nuyen angesammelt haben, daß sie "Straßenlegenden"-Status erreichen, und damit für die regulären Missions eigentlich zu stark sind.

Shadowrun Missions: Jumping the Ship wurde am 18.04.2017 als nominell fünfte "Prime Mission" in englischer Originalsprache von Catalyst Games Lab als eBook im Pdf-Format mit Wasserzeichen veröffentlicht. - Dies ist etwas ungewöhnlich, da ansonsten erst zwei "Prime Missions" - die erste und die zweite - erhältlich sind.


  • Art.-Nr.: E-CAT27PM005
  • Typ: Abenteuer (Prime Mission)
  • Titel: Jumping the Ship
  • Edition: 5. Edition
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Verlag: Catalyst Games Lab
  • Format: nur eBook
  • Dateiformat: Pdf mit Wasserzeichen
  • Dateigrösse: 1.54 MB
  • Seitenzahl: ??? Seiten
  • Erschienen: 17.04.17
  • Preis: 5,95 $

Autoren, Illustratoren & Mitarbeiter:[Bearbeiten]


Re-writing the Rules

Runners are rule-breakers. Lawless. Independent. But their dirty secret is that they don’t break all the rules — they just are more open in choosing which rule sets they should follow. And sometimes, they just make up their own rules. Some of those rules are based on what brings them the most money. Others talk about honor and loyalty, concepts that are incredibly important to some runners and derided as useless baubles by others.

Whatever rules runners invent for themselves, there are times they are tested. And one of those times is coming up.

Plenty of runs don’t end like they should, but what’s really rare is when runners get to take a run that blows up and stick on their own ending. What starts as an extraction quickly goes south, and the runners are going to have to figure out which rules they’re going to follow to make the ending stick. Who will be happy, who will be angry, who will get paid, who will get dead — runners will have to invent rules that can help make all those questions come out right.

Jumping Ship is a Prime Mission for Shadowrun, meaning it is for experienced runners who have graduated out of the regular Missions line. It is for use with Shadowrun, Fifth Edition, and the plotlines can also be used with Shadowrun: Anarchy.


  • Crashing the Party
  • Introduction
  • Mission Synopsis
  • Scene 0: Getting to San Francisco
  • Scene 1: The Meet
  • Scene 2: Sounds Like a Plan
  • Scene 3A: Breaking into the Tower
  • Scene 3B: The Golden Microchip
  • Scene 3C: En Route
  • Scene 4: Waiting Game
  • Scene 5: Looking for Work (Optional)
  • Picking up the Pieces
  • Legwork
  • Cast of Shadows
  • Player Handout
  • Debriefing Log


