Convention Mission Pack 2014

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Das Convention Mission Pack 2014 (kurz: CMP 2014) sind eine Reihe von insgesamt acht einzelnen "Missions", die von der "Season Five"-Missions-Kampagne unabhängig sind und - zumindest teilweise - nicht in Chicago spielen, sondern die Runner vielmehr u. a. nach Montreal führen.

Sie sind speziell für den Einsatz auf Conventions wie z. B. dem Origins Game Fair 2014 und GenCon 2014 gedacht, wo sie interessierten Shadowrun-Spieler neben den regulären Missions der "Season Five" angeboten werden. Im Gegensatz zu den regulären "Shadowrun: Missions - Season Five" sind sie allerdings nicht als eBook käuflich zu erwerben.

Vier der Missions des "CMP 2014" sind allerdings in der Shadowrun: Missions-Compilation "Boundless Mercy" enthalten.


CMP 2014-01 - Boundless Mercy: Recon[Bearbeiten]

Its been said that Mercy is boundless. However, Mercy was recently released from years of fear and is filled with wrath, which will lead to vengeance. Can your team navigate the mysteries of the Sixth World to discover truth? A Shadowrun Missions Living Campaign adventure. [A1]

CMP 2014-02 - Boundless Mercy: Search[Bearbeiten]

Your employer needs to find a person that does not want to be found, but time is of the essence. A Shadowrun Missions Living Campaign adventure. [A1]

CMP 2014-03 - Boundless Mercy: Recover[Bearbeiten]

Youve been sent to Montreal to find your target, but have few to no clues. Locals want you to recover some items for information that will help. A Shadowrun Missions Living Campaign adventure. [A1]

CMP 2014-04 - Boundless Mercy: Destroy[Bearbeiten]

A powerful mage is holed up in a compound in Montreal and you’ve been hired to take him out. What could be easier? A Shadowrun Missions Living Campaign adventure. Shadowrun 5th Edition character needed. [A1]

CMP 2014-05 - Company Men 1: Silence is Golden[Bearbeiten]

Mr. Johnson needs a job done quietly, in and out without being seen. Think your team is up to the task? A Shadowrun Missions Living Campaign adventure. Shadowrun 5th Edition character needed.

CMP 2014-06 - Company Men 2: A Night's Work[Bearbeiten]

Sounds like a simple job, but don’t they all? Either way runners get paid for a simple night’s work, right? A Shadowrun Missions Living Campaign adventure. Shadowrun 5th Edition character needed. Please check out Welcome to the 6th World events to learn the system and make a character....

CMP 2014-07 - Company Men 3: Run Out The Guns[Bearbeiten]

“Rumor has it that Ares is about to unveil a breakthrough in firearms technology. Would you kindly go steal that for me?” A Shadowrun Missions Living Campaign adventure. Shadowrun 5th Edition character needed.

CMP 2014-08 - Company Men 4: Demolition Run[Bearbeiten]

Sometimes the Johnson wants it quiet. Sometimes he wants it loud and noisy. Tonight, he wants the latter. A Shadowrun Missions Living Campaign adventure. Shadowrun 5th Edition character needed.


^[A1] - Auch in der Shadowrun: Missions-Compilation "Boundless Mercy" enthalten.
