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Neat ist eine eNovella - praktisch ein sehr kurzer Shadowrun-Roman als eBook - von Russel Zimmerman.

Sie wurde am 10. Oktober 2012 von Catalyst Games Lab in englischer Originalsprache und bislang ausschließlich als eBook (Zip-File mit verschiedenen eBook-Formaten) veröffentlicht.



Cover - Audiobook
® Catalyst Games Lab
  • Titel: Neat
  • Sprache: englisch
  • Verlag: Catalyst Games Lab
  • Typ: Hörbuch (ungekürzte Ausgabe)
  • Autor: Russel Zimmerman
  • Cover Artwork: Victor Manuel Leza Moreno
  • Sprecher: Robert James (gelesen von)
  • Laufzeit: 2 Stunden und 23 Minuten
  • Erschienen: 21.07.2021
  • ASIN: B099Y31LCC
  • Preis: 6,08 $ (Amazon)


Buchausgabe (DriveThru Fiction):[Bearbeiten]

The Meanest Streets

James Kincaid is the type of guy who might be described as down on his luck, if only he’d had some luck to begin with. Like so many people in the shadows of Seattle, he’s trying to get by with what he has. In his case, that includes a lively spirit, a sadly diminished magical talent, quick wits, and good knowledge of the twists and turns of Seattle’s dingy streets and back alleys. He puts all that to the service of whatever clients he can dig up, solving whatever cases they’re willing to pay him to take on. With any luck, he’ll scrape up enough nuyen to buy a few rounds of his favorite drink — whiskey, neat.

His latest case seems simple enough — find a girl who’s gone missing. But throw in a couple of feuding megacorporations, a few organized crime families, and a full selection of the odd denizens of Seattle’s streets, and you’ve got a case that’s anything but easy. It’s up to Kincaid to see how many people he can keep alive — including (and especially) himself.

Neat is a brand-new Shadowrun novella plunging readers into the cold, sharp environs of the Sixth World. Elves, trolls, orks, and dwarves mix with humans in the shadowy streets of a near-future world altered by magic, trying to survive on the crumbs dropped by the megacorporations that dominate the world. Whether you’re new to Shadowrun fiction or a longtime fan, Neat is your ticket back to the Sixth World in all its dark, desperate glory.

Audiobook (Amazon):[Bearbeiten]

The Meanest Streets....

James Kincaid is the type of guy who might be described as down on his luck, if only he’d had some luck to begin with. Like so many people in the shadows of Seattle, he’s trying to get by with what he has. In his case, that includes a lively spirit, a sadly diminished magical talent, quick wits, and good knowledge of the twists and turns of Seattle’s dingy streets and back alleys. He puts all that to the service of whatever clients he can dig up, solving whatever cases they’re willing to pay him to take on. With any luck, he’ll scrape up enough nuyen to buy a few rounds of his favorite drink - whiskey, neat.

His latest case seems simple enough - find a girl who’s gone missing. But throw in a couple of feuding megacorporations, a few organized crime families, and a full selection of the odd denizens of Seattle’s streets, and you’ve got a case that’s anything but easy. It’s up to Kincaid to see how many people he can keep alive - including (and especially) himself.

Neat is a Shadowrun novella plunging listeners into the cold, sharp environs of the Sixth World. Elves, trolls, orks, and dwarves mix with humans in the shadowy streets of a near-future world altered by magic, trying to survive on the crumbs dropped by the megacorporations that dominate the world. Whether you’re new to Shadowrun fiction or a longtime fan, Neat is your ticket back to the Sixth World in all its dark, desperate glory.


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