Chaser ist eine Shadowrun eNovella von Russel Zimmerman, die - wie die Mehrzahl seiner bisherigen Arbeiten für Shadowrun - einen weiteren Fall aus dem Leben seines paranormalen Privatdetektivs Jimmy Kincaid aus Puyallup beschreibt.
- Art.-Nr.: CAT26012NV
- Titel: Chaser
- Typ: eNovella
- Sprache: englisch
- Verlag: Catalyst Games Lab
- Format: nur eBook
- Dateiformat: Kindle Ausgabe
- Dateigröße: 3395 KB (Amazon) / 4.68 MB (DriveThru Fiction)
- Seitenzahl: 120 Seiten
- Erschienen: 06.05.2020 (nominell: 13. Mai 2020)
- Preis: 2,76 € (Amazon) / 2,99 $ (DriveThru Fiction)
Autoren, Illustratoren und Mitarbeiter:[Bearbeiten]
- Autor: Russel Zimmerman
- Cover-Artwork: ...
A vicious magical assault on a street gang isn’t a case paranormal P.I. Jimmy Kincaid would normally pick up. But when a fellow private eye asks him to look into it, and he learns the gang was doing a charity run for a church — a church Jimmy knows quite well — when they were attacked, his professional curiosity is raised.
His investigation quickly leads to a tangled maze of clues and dead-ends. Someone — or something — is prowling the streets of Puyallup, looking to incinerate whoever crosses their path. And Jimmy’s got to find them — and stop them — before the entire neighborhood goes up in flames.
But whoever’s looking to light innocent victims on fire made one mistake — they’re doing it in Kincaid’s backyard. And Jimmy’s never taken kindly to trespassers…"
DriveThru Fiction:[Bearbeiten]
A vicious magical assault on a street gang isn’t a case paranormal P.I. Jimmy Kincaid would normally pick up. But when a fellow private eye asks him to look into it, and he learns the gang was doing a charity run for a church—a church Jimmy knows quite well—when they were attacked, his professional curiosity is raised.
His investigation quickly leads to a tangled maze of clues and dead-ends. Someone—or something—is prowling the streets of Puyallup, looking to incinerate whoever crosses their path. And Jimmy’s got to find them—and stop them—before the entire neighborhood goes up in flames.
But whoever’s looking to light innocent victims on fire made one mistake—they’re doing it in Kincaid’s backyard. And Jimmy’s never taken kindly to trespassers…
Note: This purchase contains two files: an ebook file compatible with most ereaders, and a .mobi file for use with the Kindle.