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Chief Products/Services: Experimental software systems

SSET ist die Verrechnungs- und Koordinationsstelle für alle staatlich geförderten, finanzierten oder bezuschusstem Softwarefroschungen und -Produktionen. SSET legt hierbei das Hauptaugenmerk auf Grundlagenforschung

SSET acts as the clearinghouse for all government-Funded and -sponsored software design and research . SSET does most of the pure research, then licenses its designs to other Tir corporations and occasional foreign megacorporations and their subsidiaries . SSET-sculpted systems and trained operatives protect the most sensitive areas in the Tir government's Matrix system . The stringent security at SSET includes active units of both the TRC and the Reach Fuileach . Security within software systems is equally formidable, complete with government-approved black IC. SSET systems have fiendishly complex node structures that use smartirames to route data along constantly switching pathways . SSET also manages the EcoSat system, which uses licensed observation time from satellites, transorbitals, and shuttles to monitor changes in the ecosphere.

The Tir government's unparalleled extrapolation programs allow it to take data from observed changes and accurately predict ecosystem shifts and possible impending disasters, from earthquakes to toxic spills and other such man made disasters . According to rumor, the Tir government confirms EcoSat's predictions with excellent research data from Deep Green eco-activists, whose activities it sponsors around the globe . Magical sources, especially nature spirits, provide Tir magicians with information from distant locations which they then dump down into EcoSat's analyzing systems . Overall, the system makes considerable profit for SSET and the Tir ; many foreign governments pay SSET high retainers in return for advance warning of important ecological changes in their own lands or in others .

>>>>>[Fraggin' nightmare . Red- 10 just to get in and up, up, and away if you want to get close to actual data . The Taibhse systems they're working on are unbelievable . Run into these and they put you in a mirror-maze of IC constructs coming at you from all over . Some of 'em are dummies and ghosts, but by the time you've sorted the wheat from the chaff you'll have gotten a trace-andburn up your backside . SSET bases a lot of their sculpted systems on illusion, confusion, and redundancy . Anybody venturing in here had better have the best reality filters money can buy . The Matrix logo is a ghost (surprise, surprise) .]««< -Slater (16 :00:34/20-MAY-54)